In this posting we’re going to wrap up the series of Energy Tax Credits questions and answers. So, on to the next question.
Q. If I’m not in the window, insulation, roofing, etc. business, is it difficult to get those products?
A. Get an alliance with a window, insulation, roofing supplier or retailer. They will help you work this out.
Again, we encourage you to do energy loss inspections.
Q. Which roofing qualifies?
A. Most metal roofing. Check
Q. Don’t all Energy Star windows meet the qualification?
A. Go to to examine the minimal requirements.
Q. Will the Energy Star stickers on the windows (or other products) have to be submitted by the customer for their tax credit?
A. It is a good idea to have the customer keep the sticker off a window or the package of their product to substantiate their claim.
Q. How do I give credible information to the customer which eliminates my installation costs without jeopardizing my contract?
A. Construct a formula that is realistic and yet protects you. Give this to the customer as a receipt when they pay. Be sure your formula is fair, practical, and consistent.
There is a lot more information and the answers to more questions in the recorded proceedings of the first Home Improvement Economic Summit recorded in April 2009. The entire summit is available on 11 CDs plus an additional CD Rom with the Summit manual and 220 PowerPoint slides. For more information send an e-mail to or call our office at (703) 591-2490.
That’s all for this time. I’ll have more useful information in the next posting.
Best regards,
Dave Yoho